But before I give the details on downgrading your GOTv subscription, do take a look at the information below:
What you should know before you can Downgrade your GOTV plan (Take note of the first one)
1. If you have an active subscription, wait for the active subscription to expire otherwise it won’t work.
2. You will be making the GOTV Payment online. Your internet-enabled device with your ATM Card will do.
3. You can also use this method to upgrade existing GOTV Package.
SEE ALSO: Clear E-017 Error on GOTV
Having said that, Now let’s roll!
Steps to Downgrading your GOTV Package
1. Log-on to eazy.gotvafrica.com
2. Click Login and enter your correct mobile number and your IUC number as requested.
3. After successful login, Select “Build a Package” from the dashboard.
4. Select the package you want to downgrade or upgrade to then select “Next“.
This method can also be used to upgrade from your Existing GOTv plan to other higher plans.
Alternatively, if you feel the process explained above is too long, you may just use Quickteller to pay the amount for the new GOTV subscription then call their Customer care on 012703232 to help you downgrade your Gotv subscription manually.
Now that you know how to downgrade your Gotv package, let’s have your feedback via comments.