You can talk for as long as you like with the FREE MTN to MTN calls offer by the giant telecommunication company, MTN. This offer allows you to make free calls to MTN lines after a payment of a token of 50 Naira. This will give you
access to the service for a period of 7 Days.
access to the service for a period of 7 Days.
Code for Activating FREE MTN to MTN Calls
To Subscribe for FREE MTN Calls offer, simply dial *567*3*8# and make sure you have a minimum of 50 Naira as your account balance.
Recommended: Full Details of the MTN IPulse Plan with Migration Codes
The 50 Naira will be deducted as activation fee then you will get an SMS confirming that you can now make calls to MTN lines as long as you want.
I hope this was helpful, remember to share your opinions via comments. Enjoy!